
516 Sidney Baker St,
TX, 78028



A Guide to Air Conditioner Replacement: Factors to Consider

Air conditioning is essential for many modern households, especially during hotter months when temperatures skyrocket and indoor climates can become unbearable. When it comes time to replace your current air conditioner, you should consider several key factors before opting for AC replacement in Kerrville, TX.

1. Budget and Cost Considerations: When replacing an air conditioning unit, cost is one of the most important things to consider. Air conditioners can range from relatively inexpensive window models to more complex central air systems that require considerable installation costs. As a general rule of thumb, allocating around 10-15% of your household budget is important for an air conditioning system.

2. The Efficiency Rating: When purchasing a new air conditioner, always check the unit’s efficiency rating. SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, measures the efficiency rating of air conditioning systems. Air conditioners with a SEER rating above 16 can provide considerable savings in both energy and cost.

3. Installation Services: After selecting the right type of air conditioner for your home, you’ll need to ensure it’s installed properly. Many retailers offer installation services when purchasing new air conditioning systems. It’s also important to ask about any additional fees or costs associated with the installation, such as ductwork adjustments and other necessary repairs.

4. Ongoing Maintenance: The lifespan of an air conditioner can be significantly extended through regular maintenance and inspections. Ensure you schedule routine check-ups for your system throughout the year and inquire about any additional AC services in Kerrville, TX, necessary to keep your system running at its best.

Replacing an air conditioner is a major decision and should not be taken lightly. With this guide in hand, you can rest assured that you’ll have a reliable and efficient air conditioner in your home for years to come.

Need help with air conditioner maintenance in Kerrville, TX? Contact Kerrville Plumbing Plus at (830) 896-0111 for a reliable service that will keep your system running optimally. Our experienced technicians provide quality care to ensure your home is always comfortable. Call now for more information!